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Thursday, September 29, 2011

The art of smiling…. :)

Did you know that there is an actual name for the smile that reaches your eyes, the kind of smile that makes the corner of your lips move up and the skin around the corner of your eyes crinkle up?  It’s called Duchenne smiling!  

Thank you George Clooney for:
1) being so darn good looing and
2) giving a perfect example of a Duchenne Smile!

It is impossible to fake a Duchenne smile because it comes from within and the facial muscles involved are difficult to control voluntarily.  I absolutely love a genuine Duchenne Smile, there is nothing as beautiful, in my opinion. 

Here are a few pictures of my nearest and dearest friends with Duchenne smiles that I stole off of Facebook. I truly love you ladies and hope life gives you so many more reasons to Duchenne smile!

Today I challenge you to look for reasons to Duchenne smile and remember

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Tidbits

Hi friends,
Today’s post is going to be short and sweet.   I have a presentation for my business Zia Promotional Products, (like us on Facebook!!), that I need to work on.

Here are a few things that made me HAPPY this morning!

1. This picture of my friends' adorable baby, Jordan Berlin Jameson! I looooove him so much!

2.     Emails with Sales!!!!!
Support a good cause and get a Free Bracelet, yes please!  Just in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October).

3.       Green lights all the way to the gym!
4.       At my Gym, I’m known as the Perky one! Ha I love it

5.       My friends enjoying the magic of Pinterest!  

Now I’m off to work on my presentation but I have attached some Happy Thoughts for your day.

It's really as simple as this!

Thank you for joining me on my week of Happiness!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Songs

There are just some songs that make you smile when they come on the radio or your playlist….here are a few of the (happy) songs that makes me want to have an impromptu dance partaaaay anytime I hear them…..!  You may laugh at my list but I know deep down inside you feel the same way :)

1. Baby Got Back-Sir Mix A Lot

2. Juicy-Biggie Smalls

3. Ice Ice Baby-Vanilla Ice

4. Motley Crue-Girls,Girls,Girls

5. James Brown-I Got You

6. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun-Cyndi Lauper

7. Material Girl-Madonna

8. I'm a Slave for You-Britney Spears

9. Thriller-Michael Jackson

10. What's My Name-Snoop Dogg

My list could go on and on but these are a few of my favorite songs.  What songs make you happy?  I would love to hear about them!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


1.       Smile at someone you don’t know.  I try to smile at everyone I come across; it makes me feel instantly happy!!!  Plus smiling is contagious…..hopefully they’ll pass that smile along to someone else!

2.       Popping a bottle of Champagne…How can you not be instantly happy once you pop the cork to a chilled bottle of your favorite Champagne?!  Then…. the first taste of sparkly goodness….ah amazing.  It's happiness from beginning to end!

3.       Pinterest…..I’m totally obsessed!  Pinterest is a virtual pinboard — a place where you can create collections of things you love and "follow" collections created by people with great taste. It’s so amazing and so addicting.  It’s by invitation only so submit your email address and enjoy the amazingness that is Pinterest.  Check out my boards!!  They are of course a work in progress :)

4.       Hugs…. I’m rad, you’re rad..lets HUG! I love hugs they make me soooo happy.  There is nothing better than a huge hug at the end of a looooong day.  Make someone’s day…give them a hug!

5.       Do something nice for someone else.  It’s usually the little things that have the biggest impact.

If the above ideas are not your cup of tea then I suggest  looking at the following piccys and try not to smile & be happy!

I need a sign like this :)

What gives you an Instant Happiness Boost....I would love to hear about it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How becoming a Morning Person has made me…HAPPY!

10.  Exercise
I love doing my cardio first thing in the morning…it’s a great way to start off my day and I’m waking up my mind & body in the process.  Tons of studies say that cardio done first thing in the morning is more effective at charging up your metabolism than cardio done at any other time of the day!

I love this!

9.   Finding Motivation on Facebook
I love getting on Facebook while I’m doing my warm-up on the treadmill.  My bombshell sisters are all over the country and are up early as well.  I love reading their motivational quotes or status updates about their goals.  This keeps me motivated and energized just knowing that I’m not the only one up early working on my goals. 

8. Great Networking Opportunities
At my gym there are tons of business owners who are working out at the same time I am.  This gives me the opportunity to introduce myself and tell them about my business…. Zia Promotional Products!  
7.   Get a head start on work
It's a great time to deal with routine matters while you're alert and ready to get going; things such as checking emails and paying bills can be done first thing in the morning to get them out of the way.

6.  Drink More Water
By 8am I’ve usually had at least 1 liter of water in my system! This sets me up for success for the rest of my day knowing that my cells are being hydrated with the good stuff. 
Love my Zia Promo Tumbler
5. Mindful start of the day.
The first 15 minutes after you wake up set the mood and the pace for the whole day. And usually, if your day has a great start, the rest of day follows in a similarly happy pattern. Or at least you’re in a good mood and better able to deal well with setbacks or frustrations.

4 . More free time.
It is as simple as that – if you wake up 2-3 hours earlier, you get majority of the tasks on your to-do list done by noon. It means that you do not have to stay late after work to finish things. You can get home earlier and spend quality time with your family or just expand your free time!

3. Best time to get great ideas.
You rarely get brilliant ideas in the middle of a busy working day. Quite the opposite, psychological studies report that our creativity is the highest when our mind is relaxed and we are not forcing ourselves to come up with the right solutions. And I am not the only one. Many famous writers, designers, inventors and entrepreneurs find the early hours of the day the best time for hatching new ideas and unexpected solutions.  This is absolutely true for me!!!

2.  Breakfast & Coffee
Eating breakfast may get you on track to make healthy choices all day. When you eat breakfast, you tend to eat a healthier overall diet, one that is more nutritious and lower in fat. When you skip breakfast, you're more likely to skip fruits and vegetables the rest of the day, too. Set yourself up for success by eating breakfast!!!.
Nom Nom yummy Fritatta
1.  Watch the Sunrise
Today is a new day. Forget about what happened yesterday, it’s all in the past.  Today is a fresh start so enjoy it!

Sunrise over the Organ beautiful!

What do you do when you wake up early...I would love to hear about it!

Monday, September 19, 2011

I declare this week…Happiness Week!

What are you waiting for?! Now is the time to be happy!

Happiness is one of life's big mysteries. Ask 100 people what happiness is and you will probably get 100 different answers. It's a tricky subject, but that doesn't mean that there isn't an answer out there for you. Everyone has things that make them happy but in order to be happy all the time you must recognize the small things.  Every day this week I will be blogging about things that make me happy....ranging  from movies, to quotes, to books to friends and everything else in between.  I hope you feel inspired to join me on my happy week and participate in all the fun!

Andrea’s Happy Buttons: Movies/TV Series

This collection of movies always makes me smile, laugh out loud and look on the bright side of things.  These are my go to movies when I’m having a less than happy day and are in no particular order. 

  1.   Clueless
  2.   Sex & the City…series not movies. 
  3.   Pretty Woman
  4.   Married with Children- Gotta love the Bundy's
  5.   Little Miss Sunshine
  6.   Miss Congeniality
  7.   Forest Gump
  8.   Finding Nemo
  9.   Legally Blonde
  10.   Despicable Me
  11.   Super Troopers
  12.   Coming to America
  13.  Can’t Buy Me Love
  14.   Team America
  15.   Dazed & Confused
  16.   Anchorman
  17.  Grandma’s Boy
  18.  Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  19. Step Brothers
  20.  Wedding Crashers
  21.  The Hangover
  22.  Napoleon Dynamite 
  23. Bring it on: Fight to the Finish... All the Mexican associations are hysterical! 
  24. Heart Breakers…this may also have to do with me having a HUGE girl crush on Jennifer Love-Hewitt!
  25.  Zoolander
  26.  Never Been Kissed- "I'm not Josie Grosie ANY MORE!"
  27. Mean Girls
  28. Dude, Where's My Car?
  29. Superbad
  30. Dirty Love
  31. White Chicks

I’m positive I’ve left off a couple of movies that I love but you get the general idea.  What movies/TV Series make you happy no matter what is going on in your chaotic life?  I would love to hear about them!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Colorado Open Vision Board

Vision Boards always help me stay focused on my Goals....and they work for me!

"I Believe in Me"

How do you stay focused on your goals...I would love to hear about it!